3 definitions by Hantorihanzo

Someone who know who is Charleston White, acts exactly like Charleston White, and is proud of it
That Charlie boy don't give a fuck about the g code, he called the cops twice.
by Hantorihanzo March 2, 2023
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A ghetto chick with bad colorful weave that lies, manipulates, and cheats her way in the desire for money and attention. Usually comes up with the most weak yet elaborate stories you have ever heard.
Bro don’t believe that scullywitch, I would never smash that hoe!
by Hantorihanzo December 29, 2022
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A non racist woke southern person who doesn't have to act outside their country ways and who is generally accepted for being themselves.
JohnDoe: Ay trump called and said turn that country shit off!

DennisDoe: First off I don't participate in any form of pseudo democracy corrupted by globalist entities that masquers an archaic mechanism designed to coddle and control the uninfomred. And second, most importantly fuck you (turns up music and square dances)

JohnDoe: Ay!!!! Oh studabaker woke ass...
by Hantorihanzo February 22, 2019
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