2 definitions by Hank Fitznuggly

verb. - to drink to the point of near black out at which point you suddenly think you have game causing you to awkwardly and inappropriately hit on every piece of ass that comes within a 10 ft radius of you.
"Dude, did you see Dwight last night? He was totally wietmarschening those chicks from the bachlorette party."
by Hank Fitznuggly March 11, 2009
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noun. - A person shows up at the bar too early, gets slammed off 2 of drinks, screams in a high-pitched voice, throws glasses, slaps people, refuses to pay for her drinks, and passes out in bed by 9:30.
"Man, Dena turned into such a j-beezy last night. I thought she was gonna get kicked out the bar!"
by Hank Fitznuggly March 11, 2009
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