4 definitions by Hadassah

She is so barbiesque.

I want to be barbiesque.

What's up with barbiesque over there?
by Hadassah December 12, 2005
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Jews are:

A follower of the Judaic religion, also known as Judaism.

Jews are not (except for SOME cases:

Always Israeli
Curly haired, big nosed, and cheap
Constantly pointing out anti-semitism


And also, recently a swastika was painted on a Jewish temple. I'm a Jew. That hurt. So please stop making anti-semitic (or anti-JEWISH, I realize that a semite is anyone from the middle east, but IT HAS COME TO MEAN anti-Jewish) comments, because, dude, it hurts.
by Hadassah November 28, 2006
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Implying that a woman's breasts are fake. Or that one has had plastic surgery done to look more barbiesque.
She is totally mattel.

Hey Dash, check out mattel, 10 o'clock.

She ain't real, that is All mattel.
by Hadassah December 12, 2005
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Verb. The action of two persons colliding with excessive force and resulting in one or more concussions; Das Curry
As the third baseman ran to tag the runner, they conclided and sent each other crashing to the ground.
by Hadassah April 25, 2017
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