2 definitions by HJL

A term to describe gay, urban cowboys - a combination of the words 'gay' and 'urban', when used in reference to a metrosexual cowboy. It can also be used as an alternative to the overly long word, metrosexual.
"Hey look, there's a gurban cowboy!"
"He's so gurban, it hurts!"
by HJL September 9, 2005
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A word used to describe a close friend/confedant. A mixture between the words 'homeboy' - and the ever popular 'bra', the slang version of 'bro'...This term does not mean a homeboy who wears a bra, nor your favorite bra, hence 'homebra'.
"What's up, homebra"
"Keep it real, homebra"
"I'm so cool"..."okay, homebra, go ahead with ur bad self"
by HJL September 9, 2005
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