1 definition by HEX1NER

Definition-1- The classic electronic memory game. The object of the game is to copy Simon's moves, each time you correctly match the lights and sounds, another light & sound is added. If you click out of order, you have to start over again.

Definition-2- The classic memory game. the player acting as 'Simple Simon' gets all the other players 'out' as quickly as possible; the winner of the game is usually the last player who has successfully followed all of the given commands. A play is eliminated by following a command without "Simple Simon Says".

Definition-3- A clever way to express your thoughts when you're dissatisfied with something.
Example-1- I can't play simon says with you guys! Make sure to follow the lights!

Example-2- Who wants to play simons says with me? I'll be Simple Simon to start it off.

Example-3- Simon says, 3 hashtags per tweet is permissible. More than 3 and he gives you permission to SLAP YOURSELF.
by HEX1NER March 24, 2012
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