1 definition by HAYDO PLAYDO

Short for 'Ask The Planet'
A fictional merryland full of wonderful creatures, such as:
niggers, nudes, TROLLS and elves who aren't funny. These creatures form together to create somewhat of a community, yet it lacks the charitable deeds which would usually be done in a real life world. This, of course, makes it a much more fun, witty, desirable place to live. Except, of course for the undeniable fact that you WILL get insulted various times each day for doing absolutely nothing wrong.
In this world, you are always fake until proven real - people prove this by making signs, going on stickam or posting nudes - with posting nudes being the most preferred way.
Thanks to ATP, nudes are now banned from Truth Box. Such a pity, since it doesn't stop anybody. ;D
In here, you are a newfag if you are new... and a fag.
This fictional area is located on the Myspace Application, Truth Box.
Hey, are you on ATP at the moment?
No, I'm not on myspace
by HAYDO PLAYDO July 14, 2009
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