1 definition by GrouperByTheTang14

(n) 1. A Western country that has decedent and sub divergent elements in it like beta cucks and humanoids doing unnatural acts AKA the down-low.

Sentence: “Hollywood and the mass media are making the West into peak weimar. Disgusting degenerates!”

2) The subdivision of tapirs and commies to destroy the institutions that have made European Caucasians AKA alpha males from their heritage and people.

Sentence: “Can you believe what Democratic jackasses want to do with our folk? They want to tax us to death! Typical inbreed mamzers!”
With all the garbage and lies the far-left figures and media elites are pushing on the West, I’ld say we’re at peak weimar.
by GrouperByTheTang14 December 31, 2020
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