14 definitions by Gribble

As before: "Rubber, or sheepskin cover for the penis during Sexual Intercourse So that no seminal fluid may enter the vagina"

They also serve well as water-bombs.
by Gribble February 2, 2003
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"hey! where's your bi-hatch today?"
by Gribble February 2, 2003
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1.) When the "hey"s and the "yo"s are getting boring, use this word to say hello. It's more interesting and sounds semi-German, just like helloffenstein
by Gribble February 2, 2003
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whatever the hell you want it to mean, as long as it has nothing to do with fizzles or the vagina for that matter
Well my fi (friend) Mike got so fi (pissed) the other fi (night) that he stripped naked and we all said "holy fi (shit)! he's got a lil fizzle!"
by Gribble February 2, 2003
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A curse word originated from Africa that has a transition of “Anal Blood Clot

Bombo- “Anal Blood”

Clat- “Clot”
You are a fucking Bomboclot!!

I pooped out a bomboclat today.
by Gribble February 25, 2018
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"Why I fand ma gee-tar in the at-tick th'other day and there was all these ro-dants insad it, but it still works yeah"
by Gribble February 1, 2003
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A massively multiplayer online simulation. Set in half scale Europe (so far only Belgium, Luxembourg, northern France, southern Netherlands, western Germany and south-eastern England have had towns and cities modelled in) in 1940, you can choose to play as Germany, England or France, in their respective Navy, Air Force, or Army.

Every piece of equipment is modelled historically and accurately, meaning no hitpoint vehicles (like in Battlefield 1942... throwing a nade at a Panzer IV doesn't do anything to it, other than alert the driver that you're there). As the campaign goes on, more vehicles are "researched" and introduced into the game whilst playing, such as the Crusader tanks and Spitfire Mk V for England, lend/lease vehicles for France such as the P-38 Lightning and Sherman tank, and the Panzer IVG and Focke-Wulf 190A for Germany.

Check http://www.wwiionline.com for more info
"Damn... I just got bounced by some Run09s in World War 2 Online"
by Gribble March 22, 2005
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