1 definition by Grave_X

A swarm of people who apparently love everything and anything that you or your group of friends may love. A social plague of people that copy ideals and interests from those around them. They will swarm aound it and feed off of it until the thing you like will begin to dissatisfy you due to the locust plague. Locusts disguise themselves very well so be aware of their actions.

Locusts are a growing menace everywhere and anywhere they are the noobs of society. hide any interests in things because they will swarm
Locusts can consist from any number of things. They can be groups of people that attempt to make something cool by sending in swarms of its kind to influence others to believe that it may be cool. Locusts can even be girls who pretend to know how to play video games like call of duty or any other type of shooter but nonetheless do it out of desperation.

Ex: Guy " i just got finished beasting on codmw2"

Girl Responds " omg i love call of duty"
by Grave_X December 10, 2010
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