2 definitions by Grandy

A derogatory term used to describe someone that's done something stupid. Derived from the word "poop".

Origin: Greek (poopda)
She changed the channel during the football game. She's such a poopis.

Just watched Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader, the contestant was such a poopis.

Person 1: Hey remeber that Spongebob episode with that song?

Person 2: I don't watch Spongebob anymore you Poopis
by Grandy September 19, 2009
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A bomb ass bitch who keeps to themselves but when around friends they are the life of the party. This is a ride or die Type person who will either always have your back or never will. Passionate about things they love and very considerate and caring. An all around great person to have around in life.
by Grandy December 18, 2016
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