2 definitions by GrandmaFungoo

A paintball gun made by Tippmann Pneumatics. The best of the Tippmann lineup and the definitive choice for woodsball. Tippmann A-5s are made of cast aluminum and are virtually indestructible. It utilizes the revolutionary Cyclone Feed system to force-feed paintballs into the breach for rapid fast firing. A-5s are praised for being the most modular and easily upgraded gun on the market. The A-5 is also easily field stripped and moderately priced.
My Tippmann A-5 pwns your Spyder MR2.
by GrandmaFungoo April 23, 2006
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The infamous female gamer mentioned at E3 by Robbie Bach. She represents the non-hardcore, mainstream gaming crowd. She will probably buy an Xbox 360 Core System.
I'm not a hardcore gamer. I am like VelocityGirl.
by GrandmaFungoo November 8, 2005
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