1 definition by GodzillaVSReptar

Jaik is the epitome of a good man. That is, the man that is good at everything... aside from bowling. This man is intellegent,he is freakishly physically strong, and has charisma as if he drinks tigers blood. He could build a house with his bare hands, wrestle a bear, and can manage what others could barely manage. A single beam of light erupts from the sky every morning to shine down upon him in all his glory. People are drawn towards his friendly demeanor and enchanted by his glowing, dewy skin. He'll make you laugh and will always be the first to lend a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. Jaik has a affinity for strategy and is very very competitive. The following is an acronym for his name:

J:ustice for the heart of a fair man who doesn't discriminate or judge off anything but actions.
A: lot of things that he is good at, because when he sets his hard headed self to something NOTHING WILL STOP HIM.

I:nspriationally motivating not just himself but others around him as he always wants the people he knows and cares about to succeed.
K:ing, simply put this man is a KING. King of love, king of wisdom, king of strength, and king of Loyalty. He probably owns a crown in his house, rightfully. As any TRUE king does he treats his woman as the rightful Queen she is, respectfully.
Person: Look at that MAN, he's so fine and has such nice glutes, who's is that enigmatic tall drink of water?

Person 2: That ball lightning of a man is Jaik.

Person: What the fuck is ball lighting??

Person 2: Ball lightning is an unexplained phenomenon described as luminescent.

Person: What does it mean to be luminescent?

by GodzillaVSReptar November 23, 2021
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