18 definitions by Goddess12*

When you can't sleep no matter what and to avoid losing your mind, developing a split personality and joining Fight Club you post shit on Urban Dictionary only to find there are other sick fucks stalking you on your computer and posting shit also and/or blocking your submissions.
Waking Beauty: Yo I cannot sleep for shit, I have Insomnia and Urban Dictionary isn't publishing any of my shit so fuck it I'm gonna join Fight Club, beat people up or get beaten and blow up shit!

Sleeping Beauty: Huh, ZZZzzzzzz
by Goddess12* December 11, 2013
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1. Someone who is used or manipulated to further another person's purposes.

2. Person who is a fool.
3. Piece in the game of Chess of lowest value compared to the King of highest value.
He's just a pawn in a really sick game and it's could wind up costing him...big time.
by Goddess12* December 27, 2013
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A real word meaning confused, upset and frustrated.
She was really discombobulated by that dimwit but not anymore.
by Goddess12* December 19, 2013
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1. Unlimited or incalculably great three-dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur.

2. To set some distance apart.

3. Freedom or opportunity to express oneself, resolve a personal difficulty, be alone.
Guy 1: Dude, what happened to that girl you used to talk to.

Guy 2: She decided it was best to give me space.
by Goddess12* December 12, 2013
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