4 definitions by GnarcJohn

A fuck boy type of motherfucker who

is from: a) Dallas, TX, b) anywhere in Texas north of Waco along the 1-35 corridor or c) any state west of Indiana and north of Pennsylvania and who leaves their home -either on vacation or permanently - to come down to South Texas and all they packed was their fuck-baggery.
1) This square-toed boot having, Johnny Dallas ass motherfucker is such a fuck head.

2) Wait he said that he puts fucking mustard on his what? A fucking “coney?” What a fucking Johnny Dallas.

3) If this Johnny Dallas lookin’ cocksucker says “Jersey” one more time then I’m going to Tony Soprano his ass myself.
by GnarcJohn January 26, 2021
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A phrase used by white girls to describe a situation that they (as well as everyone listening) know is not funny. Often used in conversation as a quasi-conjunction (similar to “and”, “but,” “or,” etc.) that enables said caucasian females to continue speaking about any given topic once the substantive part of the conversation related to that topic is long over.

Syllables: I-wah-so-fa-ni-kas

Translation: It was so funny cuz

Literal Translation: “it was so funny because...”
iwahsofanikas I saw her at the grocery store and we were both buying groceries.”
by GnarcJohn June 8, 2019
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1) A phrase used to try to tell someone “just do it” or “just make it happen.”

2) Suggesting that someone steal something (essentially, “steal it”).
Example 1:

John - fuck I can’t buy any brews man, I’m still not 21.

Glenn - Force it

Example 2:

Justin: I don’t want to skateboard downtown because I hurt my ankle.

John - quit being a weenie hut jr ass motherfucker and just force it.
by GnarcJohn January 26, 2021
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This is a phrase uttered by a demographic commonly categorized as “Chic Fil A Girls,” who are, for all intents and purposes, the “white girl(s)” being referred to any time someone uses the phrase“white-girl wasted.”

The phrase is spoken similarly to the way you’d say “kthanksbye” i.e. the phrase is generally uttered as one single word.

Those described above frequently use this phrase to

1) extend the amount of time they can talk about the same subject, or before they begin to l talk in circles and rehash certain points well after those points have been made clear and the substantive part of the conversation is long over.

2) describe normal/unhumorous situations that they - whether explicitly stated by them or not - incorrectly perceive as “random” and/or funny situations.”
1) it was so funny cuz she and I both think that Jake isn’t right for Sam. You know?......

2) it was so funny cuz we saw each other at the grocery store earlier that day...and I was like “haiii Ashley.” It was sooo crazy and totally random.
by GnarcJohn April 21, 2021
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