1 definition by GlentheScientist83

One who has a gut and doesn't know it, is also quite unintelligent. Usually this male, doesn't get invited to birthday parties, although he comes anyways. Asks parents to set "play-dates" up for him, eats only cheap and processed foods, is a member of the lower class society, and tend to migrate from Wisconsin. Only mates with cousins, and in most cases, the male they call "Colton" 98% of the time has a speech impeditment. And finally, this creature is shaped either like a boar or a Doctor Seuss character. These creatures tend to be prone to severe nose injuries, making them look even more peculiar. Has a slight tendency to send out unwanted nudey pics, also says words like "nakey", "sexy time", and "kinky" due to the simple fact that he cannot pronounce other words. Also loves to hump and masturbate to inanimate objects.
Example 1: Person A: Colton you're putting on a little weight.

Colton: Weally you don't just make up words.. Wha da fuck is weight..

Example 2: Colton: Hey cousin, want to go behind the shed, maybe get nakey and have some sexy time, don't wowwy I bwought some bologna.
by GlentheScientist83 December 14, 2010
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