2 definitions by GhastlyBro

2020 is the year of the devil and the rat(sounds familiar). People are dying, we have a corona virus, famous celebrities that were loved now are dying. We have a stupid president(my opinion). 2020 is officially the year hell may break loose.
person: Yo did you hear, that Kobe died.
Other person: Yeah 2020 is really the worst year.
by GhastlyBro February 4, 2020
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Someone who is black and probably acts like a white fuckboy. He also asked out every girl in your area/school. He claims he has a lot of money, but still ask for things. He has a small penis, can't get no bitch for his life. He will manipulate you just because he is petty and can't get over you. Also an attention whore, yep you heard it here the attention whore(just giving all the Mekhis reading this attention.) You might feel bad about him, but don't be fooled he only wants to use you. He also thinks he is tough, but honestly be lookin like a gremlin oompa loompa.
Person: Yo I heard Mekhi asked out this girl.
Other Person: He must be really disparate then, that girl is ass.
by GhastlyBro February 4, 2020
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