1 definition by GetThatOuttaHere

Lyon County High School (LCHS), or as the alumni of the 80s call it "Lick Crack Home Slice" is nestled in the middle of Hickfuckville, Kentucky, population probably 2500. Everyone knows who you are and who your parents are, (we're all related anyway) even if you've never heard of them. The students at Lick Crack can be sorted easily: jocks (we don't even have a football team; basketball players think they're the shit), VERY Christian, nerds/geeks (meme lords), band kids (very special people), potheads, and kids who you'll forget about immediately after you graduate.

You'll often here "YEEE HAWWW" bellowed from the most redneck of them. They'll be spotted dipping Copenhagen and reving their Chevy Silverado trucks (that daddy paid for) in the student parking lot behind the library.

The entire school has three hallways that intimidate all freshmen. (During graduation, it's a joke in every valedictorian and salutatorian speech)

You'll come to find that most of the teachers aren't bad at all, but some of them give homework every night, and some of them never let you leave class. Some will be hella chill and some will lose your papers and make you redo them months later after you've forgotten the material.
"Did you hear that Lyon County High School got ANOTHER Spanish teacher this year?"
"Good. The old one just played Spanish movies and gave us pop quizzes."
by GetThatOuttaHere June 10, 2018
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