2 definitions by GavinBobJones

The most skilled bass player of all time. But it is debated over whether or not he is the greatest. The same way Jeff Buckley was a more skilled vocalist than Freddie Mercuary but Freddie Mercuary is considered the "greatest" for his creativity and iconic figure.
by GavinBobJones November 4, 2006
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A defect in the minds function. But does not nessercerily affect your intelegence. Saying a mental illness makes you crazy/stupid/funny is like saying an eating disorder makes you fat.
Bill Gates, who is a multi-billionare, invented the personal computer, is very creative and in the top ten smartest men alive suffers from aspergers syndrome, which is infact a mental illness.
by GavinBobJones November 4, 2006
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