4 definitions by Gatelotzombie

A gun in the game called "Fortnite". The amount of damage the Pump Shotgun does depends on the rarity of the gun. The most a Pump Shotgun can do to the head is 220.
Garry: "Yo wtf is this game? I got one pumped by this guy!"
Harry: "That's because he had a Pump Shotgun."
by Gatelotzombie January 5, 2021
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An annoying gun that is in a lot of gun games. It goes "PEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEW!", and it does a shit ton of damage. If you run into anyone with this gun, you will get your cheeks clapped by them.
Deji: "LOL, I have a minigun, and I'm fucking everyone up!"
KSI: "Good for you, man."
by Gatelotzombie January 5, 2021
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A way of holding your controller by putting your pointer finger on the face buttons on your controller, and your middle finger on the bumpers and triggers. It gets you better at every game.
Sam: "What the fuck are you doing with your controller?"

Jake: "I'm playing claw!"

Sam: "Why? You look autistic!"

Jake: "Claw gets you good at every game, you should try it."
by Gatelotzombie January 5, 2021
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