2 definitions by Garry the snail

When a group of Australian children scream into a camera and so a handshake that looks like they didn’t know weather to do a fist bump or high five
Catch me knuckles ya for the legends
This is such a cat me knuckles moment
by Garry the snail October 13, 2019
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The laziest excuse for doing a sport. Jumping in the air and twirling around like a 3 year old. No skill. Not a real sport. Weird girls do it who who think their athletic and they think their the shit
“Omg you do dance can u do a split”
“NO! I’m a dancer u idiot not a gymnast

“What sports do u play”
“Well I do dance-“
“Wait you think dance is a sport. Dance isn’t. A sport at all under any surcumstances. It’s is an activity losers do when they don’t have. A life”
“Dance is a art as well as a sport”

“ keep telling ur self that”

“Have u even competed against dance moms
“No u idiot that’s fake dance”

Well dance is fake
by Garry the snail October 13, 2019
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