1 definition by GFTruth

The act of gaslighting a supporter of Ukrainian self-defense by pretending that "implementing the Minsk agreements" will end the war.

The Minsk agreements require that Russia cede Ukrainian territories back to Ukraine, so they may hold a self determination vote under the watch of Ukraine and international observers.

For Minsk to be implemented, Russia must withdraw. It has not done so in 8 years.

Presenting the Minsk Agreements as an alternative to Russian withdrawal is thus gaslighting.

Minsk IS Russian withdrawal.
Tankie: Stop arming Ukrainian self defense, the Ukrainians should just implement the Minsk Agreements and have peace.

Thinking person: You're just Minsking. The Minsk agreements require Russian withdrawal first. That's a key element of the Minsk agreements.
by GFTruth October 23, 2022
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