14 definitions by GCSRT8

What you blurt out unexpectedly when you are the icyest motherfucker alive.

Phrase coined by Gucci Mane.

Can be added onto words that normally end in "...ber" to make them gangsta as shit!
"You wanna visit Gucci World girl

Here is a brochure.

Wanna a cold wash

make your wife say BURR

Got balls in my ear


I just love SeptemBURR, OctoBURR, NovemBURR, and DecemBURR!

My necklace is 20 below its so icy with these AmBURR stones that cost a hunnit. BURR!
by GCSRT8 December 8, 2011
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The Backhoe is the best piece of equipment to use to dig a big hole. Therefore, Backhoe is what you call someone who gets so caught up in a web of their own lies that he is just digging his own grave. Usually this slander is used most effectively by the party being lied to, when he/she catches the 'Backhoe' lying to his/her face.
Chris: "Dude I just lifted 200lbs right over my head at the gym the other day!"

John: "STFU you Backhoe! When have you ever been to a gym?!"

Chris: "It's true!...I have been"

John: "Ya.. Ok, sure thing Backhoe!"
by GCSRT8 September 2, 2011
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A USB Drive that is cheap and incredibly low in capacity, therefore making it inexpensive (128mb or less).
-Hey dude can you put some music onto a USB drive?

-- Sure, I only have 128mb of storage though.

-WTF is that?! Bet you really broke the bank on buying that JewSB!

-- Whatever... it was cheap.
by GCSRT8 February 24, 2012
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Lingo short for "class 5" used by Canadian Tire staff to signal to each other of a hot female shopper.

There are different types of C5's, for instance:

C5-code L = Latina
C5-code M = MILF
C5-code LG = Little girl
C5-code P = Pregnant
C4 = Not as hot as C5 but still worthy to point out
C3 = Decent
C2 = Put a bag over that shit!
C1 = Why are you even pointing her out?
1. "Yo Chris check out that C5 code LG down aisle 3!"

"Dude, way too young!"

"Give her a few years, she has potential"

2. "C5 aisle 9"

"I'd say she's more of a C3, but I'd still bang her."
by GCSRT8 September 25, 2011
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1. Osama Bin Laden = USA's WF4L

2. "Yo dude, are you going to Eric's birthday party?"

"Not a chance broseph, he's one of my WF4L!"
by GCSRT8 September 25, 2011
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A sometimes contagious disease caught by those who just don't give a fuck.
-Dude you just stepped in doo doo!

-Meh, I could care less.

-Wow you have a severe case of Dontgiveafuckitis.
by GCSRT8 December 7, 2011
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Lil Wayne - "I got the world in my wallet, Swisher full of violet."
by GCSRT8 December 7, 2011
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