3 definitions by G Ymer

Someone who believes they tell the truth, keeps promises, and doesnt make outrageous claims.
If I say that I'm going to do something, I will do it, you can count on me... I'm a man of my word.
by G Ymer June 18, 2014
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Someone who believes they tell the truth, keeps promises, and doesnt make outrageous claims.
If I say that I'm going to do something, I will do it, you can count on me... I'm a man of my word.
by G Ymer June 18, 2014
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When you win here, and you win there.

-Charlie Sheen

This term was used by Charlie Sheen in an interview with ABC. When Charlie was challenged with an accusation that he was bi-polar, his rebuttal was that he was actually "bi-winning." He uses the term "winning" throughout the interview in contexts, not only sexually related, but also in a conquering sense as well.
guy 1: Dude, what's wrong with you.... Are you bi-polar or something? How come you're not like everyone else?

guy 2: I'm not like everyone else because I'm better than everyone else, I'm bi-winning.
by G Ymer March 3, 2011
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