3 definitions by Fuxor

The Habanero pepper is the hottest pepper in the world. Found in any creditble insanity sauce it takes like ass, but the fire in uncomparable.
I ate foolish wings with habanero pepper sauce last night and my anus is now a burning ring of fire.
by Fuxor September 4, 2003
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One of a kind. Will shank you in a heartbeat. See the red blazer? - Stay the fuck away!
"Millz is here"
by Fuxor September 16, 2003
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the ORIGINAL blunt was a mix of tobacco and weed, while 100% rolled weed was just a big joint.

The term's meaning blurred in the late 80's, and now all weed rolled in a tobacco leaf is called a blunt.
we smoked a 1/2 oz blunt on 4/20... it was 10" long and an inch in diameter!
by Fuxor April 28, 2003
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