2 definitions by FurryOtaku69

Purchase the ‘Urban Dictionary’ DLC to proceed - £17.99
A greedy company who sell unfinished games, and make you pay more money for DLC for the rest of the game

Person A: Skate 4 would be great!
Person B: Nah it would suck, it’s by EA
Person A: What? Why?
Person B: Because you’d have to buy, the ‘Get off the skateboard’ DLC - £98.55

Buy the ‘description expansion pack’ to read more! - £49.99
by FurryOtaku69 June 19, 2018
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A common nickname for the STD known as gonorrhea. People give this name to compare their spotty sack to Mr Tumble's spotty bag.
MrTumble'sspottybag is his bag which is a recurring weapon in the anime.

Person A: Do you have Mr Tumble's spotty bag?
Person B: Ew no gross... I use protection!
Person C: Lift your hand just like so.
Person A + B: Do you have Mr Tumble's spotty bag?
by FurryOtaku69 November 11, 2019
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