3 definitions by Funkmaster Daddy-O

Someone who loves wikipedia and insist on using it to fact check absolutely everything.
Guy: Trunp was actually never into politics before becoming president.
Dude: Well, we will just see about that *checks wikipedia*
Guy: You are such a Wikipedophile!
by Funkmaster Daddy-O July 10, 2020
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When paying friends or family for doing chores, the money dance often occur.
The money ritual, where the person recieving money pretends that the chore was was easy an that he does not want money for it, whereas the person paying pretends that he really enjoys doing the payment, and the the other person has to accept it.
Person1: Hey Clark, thanks so much for watching my cat. Take this 10$ bill
Person2: No, I cannot accept your money. It was fun watching the cat. I had a ball.
Person1: No come on, I would feel bad if you didn't take it
Person2: Well, I would feel bad if i I did take it.
Person3: Quit the freakin' money dance you morons.
by Funkmaster Daddy-O October 14, 2009
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A check point that occurs in a bad place in a video game, forcing you to start over and over in the bad place, not being able to redo what caused you to be in this bad situation.
Guy 1: Oh man, I just wasted all my ammo, and barely survived with 6hp and then comes a checkpoint?!

Guy 2: What the heckpoint!
by Funkmaster Daddy-O February 7, 2010
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