1 definition by FullBeard

Male Exclusionary Radical Feminist. (Sometimes Radical is replaced by Realist), Acronym based on TERF (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist). Lesbians who do not accept male allies in the fight against patriarchy. Feminist separatists. Lesbians who do not accept that trans-women (male to female) are women. Some users of the word MERF have a problem with TERF in that it excludes trans-men (women to men) who, according to gender critics, are still women. MERF only excludes trans women and all other men and so is preferred.
"We don't exclude trans people. We exclude males. We are inclusive of trans men since they are females. The correct terminology is MERF. Male exclusionary radical feminist. TERF is a slur because it isn't factual." - cbucksrules (from Twitter). October 2021.

"I am not a terf; trans are not the enemy. I am a merf - male exclusionary radical feminist" - sberesford4 (from Twitter). October 2021.
by FullBeard November 1, 2021
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