1 definition by FreeThinkingRadical

One who supports the ideals of a capitalistic or free society. Such a society has no restrictions on what individuals may do aside from initiating force against other individuals. Therefore, no one may harm or steal from another.

This allows for a very large degree of individual freedom, as people may do anything that they so choose so long as no one else is harmed. It also results in a strong economy, as people are only able to consume as much as they are able to produce. Therefore, no one becomes burdensome or a "drain" on society. Anyone who is unable to produce enough to survive is helped by others through charities as opposed to taxation (or theft).
The United States of America is not a capitalist country. No capitalist country exists today. However, the countries closest to capitalism tend to have the most success.

A capitalist society is a free society.

Socialists hate capitalism because they fear liberty.
by FreeThinkingRadical February 21, 2008
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