2 definitions by FranoH

Being a nice dude who everyone genuinely likes.
Jonathan: "Is Alex coming on Saturday night?"
Dan: "Of course! That guy's gsy as fuck!"
by FranoH March 20, 2019
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Rowdy is wild. Rowdy is free. Rowdy is living life to its fullest extent. Popularised by Rowdymaster Jack Graham Woodhead's numerous studies and classes on the subject, Rowdiology is one of the most popular religions in recent memory, focusing on being the rowdiest person one can be. Rowdiness can be calculated on a scale of one to ten, and is constantly changing and evolving in each person.
Frano: "What's the most rowdy thing you can think of?"
Jack: "Throatbass, baybee"
by FranoH June 24, 2021
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