3 definitions by Frank Sandpaper

Statistical facts or other scholarly information that makes people uncomfortable when they read it or hear it. Freakonomics Truth often causes great consternation and denial in the listener or reader who is so shocked by what they have just discovered, that they try to avoid learning about similar information in the future.
Mass abortion among unmarried, low income women after the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 led to a significant reduction in violent crime in the United States in the 1990s and 2000s, because many of the children who would have become violent criminals were never born. Many devoutly religious people don't like to hear 'Freakonomics Truth' because it flies in the face of everything they have been brought up to believe. 'Freakonomics Truth' reminds us of how dark and ugly life often is.
by Frank Sandpaper April 27, 2013
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A Russian inmate who is accustomed to raping other male prisoners in the shower.
"The new guy isn't doing too well. He got 15 stitches in the bum after he got Ivan-ed in the shower last night."
by Frank Sandpaper February 5, 2010
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A man who knows how beautiful women think so he never kisses a girl on the first date, in order to keep her interested.
"This hot babe can have any man she wants. I better play hard to get, and pull a Frankie so she'll want me more."
by Frank Sandpaper February 5, 2010
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