35 definitions by Frank Booth

1) a fictitious retailer that sells "jerks." 2) a line that one imagines to be the perfect comeback
1) REILLY: The ocean called. They're running outta shrimp.

GEORGE: Oh yeah, Reilly? Well, the jerkstore called. They're running outta you.

REILLY: What's the difference? You're their all-time best

2)GEORGE: Don't you understand? It's not about him. To have a line as perfect as "jerkstore" and to never use it. I, I couldn't live with myself.

ELAINE: See, there are no jerkstores. It..it's just a little confusing, is all.

GEORGE: It's smart. It's a smart line, and a smart crowd will appreciate it. And, I'm not gonna dumb it down for some bonehead mass audience!
by Frank Booth June 13, 2006
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to depart, leave (from O Brother! Where art thou?)
The boy's ma not here. She dun runnoft.
by Frank Booth January 10, 2005
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a non-word. It arose from media haze in 1989, during the "Central Park Jogger" case. It supposedly means marauding in search of ultra-violence, but the media made it sound like it was already urban slang, when it was not. The word did not exist till the jogger thing.

ANYWAY, the youths who were supposedly "wilding" were all innocent anyway. The whole thing really stank, big time.

"Wilding" is a non-word.
by Frank Booth April 10, 2006
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1) a lickspittle, a toady

2) one who cooperates with tyrrany.
Y'all think y'all're tough like your cowboy prez, but y'all just a buncha jackbootlickers.
by Frank Booth January 4, 2005
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a song and a dance with specific steps written and sung by an Atlanta wedding dj named Ted. He developed this dance because he didn't have enough participation songs on his playlist. He needed one that even idiots could do.
Okay everybody. Gather round. Quiet please! Okay! Now, if I can have the bride up front and all bridesmaids to the left of her, I'm gonna show you the BRIDE SLIDE!
by Frank Booth January 1, 2005
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whatchamacallit, thingamabob, thingy, dingus, doodad, dohickey, etc
It's over there by that...dumaflache.
by Frank Booth August 11, 2006
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