3 definitions by ForceBreaker

An annoying person; someone who pisses you off, or steals your shit.
"That Jerkworm stole my lunchbox, then tried to feed me the contents when I came to his house for dinner that evening!"
by ForceBreaker January 14, 2015
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A large ravine often located near the door or porch of ones house, caused from the owner (or those who dwell within) by frequently pissing off it, due to laziness.
The pisswash outside Jeds shack was three feet wide.

"I gotsta piss, Ima make my pisswash a bit deeper now, homie"
by ForceBreaker January 14, 2015
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"She's hot, but she has a grizz, so im not touching that"grizz hairy unshaven aumish bush
by ForceBreaker January 12, 2015
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