5 definitions by Flamingodildo

Farmer Aidan has done some raunchy stuff. He may flirt with you through “Houseparty” or “Instagram”. He may tell you that he likes you and is interested in you but that is just because, like he said on his Houseparty, “so HMU if you ever want to do anything”.

If you meet Farmer Aiden, hit up your cool Indian friend to expose him for fucking a pig and having a pig son and a pig wife. That Indian friend will tell him to Alpaca his bags and leave you alone.
“Farmer Aidan, how’s the piggy family?”
by Flamingodildo June 23, 2018
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One of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet. She believes in herself and all of her friends. Her smile lights up your day and you constantly want to hug her. Her Asian ass makes you crazy.
by Flamingodildo June 23, 2018
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When you push cum through an easybake and it comes out fiery and steamy.
by Flamingodildo June 23, 2018
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When your skinny Indian friend decides to wear his Adidas soccer pants that are too tight and expose his scrawny uncooked chicken legs
“look at his chicken legs. lookin uncooked bullshitery
by Flamingodildo June 23, 2018
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A shy guy. He likes to surround himself with people who put him at ease and treat him as he deserves.

A boy whose too hard on himself because he doesn’t know how perfect and amazing he is. Talking to him makes your day and puts a smile on your face. Hearing his laugh warms your heart and makes you laugh as well.

A boy who makes your life complete and doesn’t need anything in return.

A Marcus is an attractive guy who cares too much and gives too much for what he is given.
Me: Marcus, you are one of the most amazing guys I know.
by Flamingodildo June 23, 2018
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