1 definition by Firewalker

Place where people can go, keep a movie/game for 38-45 days and only pay 1.25 for a restocking fee. Place where people don't realize that movies were ALWAYS autosold after a 12 days, but after no late fees it was bumped up to 7 days. Place where people bitch about movies never being in because of no late fees, yet often keep movies 10 days past the due date themselves. Place where people still bitch about paying $10 to buy the movie (they pay the going price minus the rental price they paid to buy it) or 1.25 to restock it when they used to pay $15 for keeping the movie 3 days late and still had to return it. Place where some people rent movies and are stupid enough to think that they never have to return the movie and never pay anything, instead of being grateful they have seven extra days to keep the movie.
Wow, Blockbusters got no more late fees, that means we can keep the movie forever after paying only 4 bucks for it and never return it, letting it hang in their inventory and preventing anyone else from getting it. When we get an inch we gotta take a mile. LOLZ.
by Firewalker April 7, 2005
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