3 definitions by Financial Panther

A black person that does not like the typical things black people do, such as fried chicken, bling bling, or junk-n-tha-trunk.
-Yo, did that mothafucka just pass up a wing?

-Shit brotha that ain' no nigga thats a negloid.
by Financial Panther November 4, 2004
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a type of monkey that lives in air vents and comes down every so often to dance around and give candy to all!!

God praise Jahakiki!
Everyone, come a Jahakiki is in my room!
by Financial Panther November 4, 2004
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A method of speaking which involves the letters of a curseword being reversed. This is generally used by the most immature or laziest of online gamers.
Goatfucker > Rekcuftaog (A seamingly suiting name for an Ogre!)
by Financial Panther November 4, 2004
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