1 definition by FatAlBert@SWAmPville☆

Yvette is not fake she doesn't carry that gene. If you befriend her She is loyal and true, not a lying passive aggressive two face cunt. And if you knock her down stab her in the back n rub her face in the dirt and then , AND THEN whaaaaaat expect whaaaaat?! an acquaintance to get up please not even acquaintances do that. She's can't tollorate fake lying fuck faces that act like they friends but really just tryna fuck someone for a buck. Fake friend, Fake family, Fake faggots that call themselves BF. Please she see right through you. She hate acquaintances that go around lying and tryna act.like a friend then be like OMG she backstabed me I was the best acquaintance she ever had. Bitch Yvette don't do acquaintances. Either you a friend or you NOT.
Respect, Loyalty and love is earned; not taken.

All the shit u talk bout Yvette u should just call yourself L.i.n.o. cause that's where u stand with Yvette when u a double crossing two faced fake murdering lip flapping fag.
by FatAlBert@SWAmPville☆ February 13, 2018
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