3 definitions by Fat J 80s

A pathetic state in a man's life whereby he smugly attempts to conceal his baldness. Can come in many forms such as a comb over, comb forward, or outright refusal to conceal a despicable mange like mess. In extreme cases the man gets a hair transplant or worse uses finasteride and fries his chance of getting an erection. Best treatment is to accept the bald and shave it off
Look at that gimp with the translucent hair, you can see he is in absolute bald denial.
by Fat J 80s August 15, 2019
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The P is a mythical celtic warrior and warlock. He abuses steroids and shags women without a condom. He relies on the withdrawal method, often found drinking Ale in a tavern while arm wrestling yoong lads who think they're big. When he's finished he slams skank pussy in the tavern Jack's. Injects steroids into his cock and refers to himself in third person while telling tales of past glories.
The P did her up there on the nappies without a johnny
by Fat J 80s June 14, 2019
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A fat 30 something woman with a flat face who lectures high value men for not being married to other 30 somethings with a notch count of 100+ men. Is a feminist, often found attending weddings of her mates who have cuckolded weak men. Gives her fat simp cousin hand jobs at the back of the Home and tells him he has a full head of hair. Arranges marriages and regularly cuckolds her husband gyrating her fat hole on the dance floor of the Home while he watches from the bar.
Got confronted by the Mouthy Muffin on Saturday night. Told me I need to be married
by Fat J 80s February 3, 2023
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