270 definitions by Fasters

Short for “zero-knowledge proof.” A method used in cryptography to prove ownership of a specific piece of knowledge without revealing the content of that knowledge, thus ensuring that data can be shared without sharing personal information.
Thanks to ZKP, someone can prove a particular fact sans revealing that information, thereby creating the required trust to perform a transaction on the darknet.
by Fasters January 19, 2023
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When math authors or publishers deliberately or inadvertently use religious, satanic, or New Age symbols, icons, or logos, made up of geometric shapes, in their books to bewitch schoolchildren into the occultic or demonic world.
A grade two Chinese title was being recalled because it arguably contains a “woke geometry” item—the publisher has since apologized to its readers for depicting a bloody-looking pentagram, whereby kids are required to identify all geometric shapes that make up the “satanic symbol.”
by Fasters May 1, 2022
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When a large number of customers continually request something, and the company doesn’t have it—for instance, Threads lacks some must-have features that are presently available on X, formerly Twitter.
Complaints of void are free, valuable feedback, as they expose unmet needs—they are gold mines of opportunity that your competitors could seize to put you out of business.
by Fasters September 10, 2023
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A math joke book you pick up in the bathroom to destress yourself every time you do your business, when your giggling or laughing could help cover up the sound of your relatively loud farting.
Fred likes to amuse his girlfriends with the toilet math jokes he still recalls, when he’s killing two birds with a stone.
by Fasters January 13, 2022
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When flushed pages of a photocopied raw manuscript that an unscrupulous math publisher had illegally obtained from a competitor’s editor or agent were found clogging the toilet.
On a surprise visit to Winning Math Publishing, the FBI found proof of toilet math taking place upon their arrival to their premises.
by Fasters February 15, 2022
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Pronounced as “ex.” The debatably new “terrible” or “terrifying” name for the formerly known Twitter app, which reminds billions of kids and their parents worldwide of their dreaded years-long school algebra.
Are the days of X numbered, especially when two key rivals are exploring whether or not they’d also be renaming some of their subsidiaries Y and Z to strategically create confusion and chaos on social media?
by Fasters July 25, 2023
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HOT (higher-order thinking) math questions that give you an intellectual kick to the point that they could temporarily numb your mind before you experience an aha! in solving them—mala is a spicy and numbing seasoning made from Sichuan peppercorn and chilli.
Geeks in Singapore who are attending enrichment math programmes from premium tuition centers have been begging their coaches for more mala math quickies and trickies and toughies to satisfy their mathematical cravings.
by Fasters December 30, 2022
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