2 definitions by Fantastic

fantastic Red haired scarily pale breed of people found on small cold island on outskirts of Europe
Famous for
- Heavy drinking
- Teaching americans that Pog ma hone is an olde worlde Irish greeting
- And generally being fantastic
Gee whizz I wish I was a fantastic irish person, id greet them all with a heartey "pog ma hone"
by Fantastic December 7, 2003
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An awesome DJ Duo consisting of DJ Peak who mixes and Miss Mirror who works the effects.

The group formed in Buffalo, NY, wearing their signature funky costumes. They work with many types of EDM such as Progressive House, Dutch house, Dubsteb, and top 40's.

A Fantastic Act if you can catch them at a club or event!
PINJA can get any crowd dancing
by Fantastic June 24, 2012
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