9 definitions by Fact

A person, friend, or compatriot. Note: only to be used after "Whats poppin"
Yo! Whats poppin' sloppin?!
by Fact February 12, 2004
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A noun used to describe an event or get-together, typically on a Friday night, when things just get really insanely poppin. In order for an event to qualify for the Ice Brizzles title, there must be excessive drinking of alcohol, marijuana consumption, and removal of female clothing. Girlfriends are to be left at home, cell phones are to be turned off, and madness is meant to ensue.
Setting: Binghamton, New York

Vou: Yo this shit is crazy right now!
Hat: Word dogs, chocolate syrup is the shizzle!
Random white girl: Hey, I haven't gotten my titties sucked in about 3 minutes.
Pleg: You know, I never breastfed when I was a kid.
by Fact February 12, 2004
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