2 definitions by FYDcoin Cryptocurrency

FYD - Find Your Developer is a decentralized network (blockchain) with FYDcoin as it's digital currency. FYD is used by many to create a passive income through the masternodes and staking method. fydcoin.com
Do you have a FYD masternode?
Can you send me some FYDcoin?
Did you see the new FYD website?
by FYDcoin Cryptocurrency October 7, 2019
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A decentralized cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. Designed for freelancers and the gig economy. FYDcoin can be staked, which means you can hold FYDcoin in your own wallet and receive staking rewards.
Did you see the FYD price today? It has almost doubled!
by FYDcoin Cryptocurrency July 17, 2021
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