A person named Dane is a sensitive,sweet,caring,funny and super talented person!!
He will make you feel so comfortable and he is always able to adapt to a conversation.
He has brown hair and brown eyes. He is a super good singer and a really good actor. he makes me want to run away because i feel like i'm getting sucked into his brown eyes every time i see him. I would give everything i own for

him to actually notice me. We know each other but i love the way he never gives a hint but is still really sweet to you.
girl number one: omg did you see Dane the other night at the eistedford?
girl number two: yes!! he was totally hot!

guy number one: oh my god i can't believe that we used to kind of bully Dane! he is so talented!
guy number two: i know right we were such dumasses for doing that! i kinda wish i was him now
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