1 definition by FIG.fudgingdtx

A Fortnite player is a cancerous being which will unfortunately soon die of ligma. Tooooo honor those who have served in the gamer war we will sing the fortnite national anthem. TaKe Me To YoUr XBox tO PlAy FoRtniTe tOdaY yOuR cAn TaKe mE tO MoIsTy Mirressos bUts noT lOot LaKe I REALLY want To ChUg jUg witH yOu wE cAn Be PrO foRtnite gAmErs.
YOU: Woah a Fortnite gamer! I've never seen one in the wild before!
Someone: Yeah they're very common but will soon die of ligma :(
You: Lets sing their national anthem :(
Random person : Fortnite players are cancerous but we'll sing
by FIG.fudgingdtx December 12, 2018
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