1 definition by FFS my real name isn’t Allison

Sleep is most often defined by, “a condition of body and mind such as that which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.” American slang has hence taken the basis of “sleeping” and reformed it into conditional words, often grouped as synonyms of their fore-bearer. Zonk is one such word. The literal definition of which is, “ to fall or cause to fall suddenly and heavily asleep or lose consciousness.” While sleep and zonk are very similar, sleep has more a dreamy and wistful connotation to it. Zonk, however, is a more violent word, often associated with power naps or a sudden urge to go into heavy sleep (see Stage 4 REM cycle). If one were to, in pure theory, say they were sleepy rather than zonky, then that mayhaps imply that there is a slight edge encouraging them to close their eyes, but not quite enough to make them truly, and wholly, zonk.
I’m finna fucking zonk, Mark.
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