10 definitions by F-Face Kat

A person (usually white males: but can be any race) who are filled with estrogen rage due to low testosterone levels and high sensitivity issues. This makes them act out and get emotional when confronted with a difference of opinion, be it political, social or recreational.
1. I can't believe those soystorm (s) clouded up and tried to ruin everyone's great time with their woke agenda.

2. Stop being a soystorm and eat your tree bark and plant thistle, Tanner.

3. All it took for Nathaniel to go into a soystorm was seeing those unwoke gamers not give The Last of Us2 the respect it deserves.
by F-Face Kat June 29, 2021
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A person who is basic, boring, bland and usually bald by choice. Vin Diesel is the perfect example of a default. He looks like a create a wrestler or fighter in a videogame before someone makes it unique and gives it a personality.
Did you see that Fuggin' default looking for a personality?
by F-Face Kat June 29, 2021
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Anything that Sony releases under the PlayStation brand as they only care about checking social agenda boxes on hot button SJW issues.
1. Man, have you seen all the new SJW content Sony has coming for the Wokestation? They have the last of us, the last of us 2, the last of us 2 remastered, the last of us 2 Ps5 edition, the last of us remake and I hear they're going to give us the last of us 3 sometime, too!

2. I love how woke the Wokestation is, it let's me play all my SJW box checking games all in one place! The last of us, Horizon zero dawn, returnal, female ratchet and clank and a host of other box checking games!

Now you're playing with woke power!
by F-Face Kat June 30, 2021
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