3 definitions by Exquisitine Buble-Schwinslow

The bucky is when you're hittin it feom behind but you get really bored and ask "hey, you wanna play CS:GO?"
The bucky gets its name from women getting buck eyes from the retardation of a guy asking them the question
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A toxic, disgusting, vile fart on steroids.
If you smell one, you will die.
Jimmy: farts
Tom: sniffs. "Do you smell that?"
Jimmy: smirking "noooo"
Tom: face turns green. Throws up
Tom: coughs up blood and a piece of his lung. "Looks like my times up. Bt dubs dont ever release a sphincter burp dumbass. You hold it in." dies
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a charlie baker is that one kid who wears shorts all the time. It doesn't matter how cold it is, charlie-bakers will never wear long pants.
That kid Steve is such a charlie-baker. He always wears shorts.
by Exquisitine Buble-Schwinslow February 21, 2017
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