3 definitions by Exoticals United

Exoticals Going Their Own way. This is a movement for multiracial black women who are tired of being bullied and stereotyped. Women in the EGTOW movement feel like they have been bullied and gaslit by other women due to their beauty , and they have decided to stop caping for women who wont cape for them. Exoticals have decided to go their own way, meaning they can date who they want, have whatever jobs they want, and be as successful as they want without having their experiences invalidated.
Im tired of being bullied by these haters, im joining the #EGTOW movement!
Sarah was tired of being bullied for being pretty, so she joined the EGTOW movement .
by Exoticals United June 19, 2021
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Mixed and/or light skinned. this term refers to members of the black community who are mixed race of any shade with 25% or more non black ancestry, as well as light skinned black identifying people with a caramel skin tone and above.
"I'm a part of the MLS Community"
"MLS Men are so hot!"
"I only date MLS Women"
by Exoticals United October 9, 2021
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the action of marrying, dating or forming a sexual relationship with a person who is lighter than you or has more non- black ancestry in their background because you view their proximity to whiteness as a form of social status.
"there goes one of those divestors practicing racial hypergamy again"
"dating out can be a form of racial hypergamy if you're not careful."
by Exoticals United December 27, 2022
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