1 definition by Ew that is gross

An unusual name, often used for a girl. Any person that has this name is a beautiful person and sometimes a little sexy at some points. This persons smile can light up the whole world and can cause a wave of giggles to flutter across anyone who is around them. This person is a total badass but has some restrictions to what they do. They are always nice to everyone even if they have hurt them before. They know how to cheer people up and always do. Everyone wants to be around them because they are a ray of sunshine all the time.

They like to not be in the popular group because they don’t really like all the attention all the time but they are fine with hanging out with them sometimes because even if they don’t really like the person that they are hanging out with they always find the good in them and they both become wonderful friends together.

If you date this person don’t be afraid because they will trust you as much as you trust them. You are putting your trust in an angel and you can trust them and love them with all your heart and they will do the same. If you are looking for a friend this is the way to go.
-OMG there is this new girl called Persia she is so cool and nice, best person I’ve ever met!

- I know she is truly amazing and a complete ray of sunshine!
by Ew that is gross June 2, 2018
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