59 definitions by Evil pop tart

The Perky effect, in psychology, refers to the process by which visual mental imagery is thought to interefere with visual perception. For example, if a person is instructed to project by imagination a tomato or a banana on a while screen, an a faint image of a tomato or banana is projected, the person may not be able to tell the difference between the real image and that which was imagined. Cheves W. Perky did the pioneering research on this back in 1910. This is the first meaning of the Perky effect.

There is another meaning: the Perky effect is what happens when you go braless on a cold day.
Thomasina loved cold days because of the perky effect.
by Evil pop tart October 18, 2010
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A porcine cosmetologist is a periphrastic term for someone who puts lipstick on a pig; in other words, a spin doctor. This is someone who attempts to make something more favorable or attractive than it really is.
The typical actor or politician in trouble is in need of a porcine cosmetologist.
by Evil pop tart February 2, 2011
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In bad taste. This usage, as opposed to the physical description, originated in the rural South but has since been adopted for use nationwide and in urban settings.
Wearing a translucent blouse and a black bra is downright tacky.
by Evil pop tart January 25, 2006
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An equine actuary is a bookmaker: one who gives odds and accepts bets on horse races.
Crazy Chester was a well-reputed equine actuary in New Orleans. He could tell you who was running at any of the racetracks and their likely odds.
by Evil pop tart February 11, 2013
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An Arkansas virgin is a girl that can run faster than her brothers.
Marilou was, like many girls on the track team, an Arkansas virgin.
by Evil pop tart June 26, 2006
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A teasing 'game' or activity in which two or more people collaborate to seize someone's possession, tossing it to each other to prevent the owner from getting it back. This 'game' has been played for generations in New Orleans and is pronunced 'pos-say.'
Heather and Robert ripped off my bikini top and tossed it back and forth, saying "passez" with each toss.
by Evil pop tart December 21, 2009
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This term refers to the practice of advertising one's religiousity by wearing significant décolletage and having a cross suspended between the breasts. This is especially effective if the practitioner has either very prominent breasts or is not wearing a bra.
Jessica, who was both very religious and had been embarassed by her rather prominent breasts, made them into a spiritual asset by practicing décolletage ministry. She found it more effective than the John 3:16 signs.
by Evil pop tart January 24, 2006
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