2 definitions by Evil Queen33

The one you run to when the world is against you. He is funny, kind, smart, caring. He may not show it but he is probably also insecure. Cole is a great friend and will never turn his back on you.
Guy: he dumped her
Girl: why
Guy: she was a bully to Saddie
Girl: he is such a cole
by Evil Queen33 November 15, 2019
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A best friend who you can know for two years and it feels like you grew up together. She loves books, movies, Netflix, outside, animals, music, popcorn, and softball/basketball/volleyball. She is super smart and funny. She is absolutely the best person to be your best friend. She will stand up for you even if you are wrong or she doesn’t agree with you. If you know and Myia be her friend and if you already are you are lucky
Myia-athletic and funny, smart, amazing, kind, pretty
by Evil Queen33 November 16, 2019
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